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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta trabajo a tiempo parcial. Mostrar todas las entradas

miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2015

Trabajo infantil en Bahía Blanca

Trabajo infantil: casi 50 niños generan más de 100.000 pesos al mes en la ciudad

La Municipalidad se advierte que darles monedas o comprarles cosas contribuye a “perpetuar” el flagelo. 

Limpiavidrios, uno de los "oficios" más habituales, en especial entre los adolescentes. (Fotos: Pablo Presti-La Nueva.)
Por Damián Vallejos /
Gonzalo tiene 5 años y 3 hermanitos. Son 4 chicos que no juegan y que trabajan en la calle, dicen, para poder comer. Ellos son una pequeña parte de la pintura que puede verse cada tarde-noche en los bares, restaurantes y calles bahienses donde al menos 48 pequeños piden monedas y sufren la vulneración de sus derechos.
“Algunas personas ni los miran. Lo primero que hay que hacer es tratarlos como personas y seres humanos, es decir, darles una devolución humana a lo que ellos piden”, explica la subsecretaria de Niñez, Adolescencia y Familia, Lucía Martínez Zara, quien asegura que mucha gente cree que los ayuda al darles monedas o comprarles algo pero, en realidad, contribuyen a que el trabajo infantil sea muy difícil de erradicar.
Redondeando los números de la dependencia municipal que lucha contra el flagelo, los bahienses aportan más de 100.000 pesos mensuales a este “mercado”. Es que los niños de 1 año a 10, que en su mayoría mendigan o venden de manera ambulante, recaudan entre 60 y 80 pesos por día. Algunos, generalmente de 16 a 18, llegan a contar 200.
“Uno por pensar que está ayudando lo que hace es perpetuar al chico en la calle. Esto es como lo de 'sin clientes no hay trata'...”, sugiere Martínez Zara, quien expresa que uno de los problemas más difíciles de afrontar es el de las familias con una clara tendencia cultural a este tipo de acciones.
“En los más chicos hay un determinante muy fuerte. Para muchos, que el chico trabaje es parte del proceso de socialización y de su cultura. Así como nosotros entendemos que el niño tiene que estar en la escuela jugando, ellos piensan que tiene que salir a la calle a trabajar”, lamenta.
En cuanto a los adolescentes, el tema es más dinámico. La funcionaria admite que tienen dificultades para incluirlos en los dispositivos de Niñez y que en varias oportunidades hay problemas de adicciones. Ahí, afirma, se articula con el centro destinado al flagelo de la droga y se inicia “un plus de acciones” entre escuelas, unidades sanitarias y otras instituciones.
“Ahí se toma cada situación como particular. Para nosotros que un chico salga de la calle es sumamente valioso”, sostiene.
“No es que decimos 'no a la moneda' y nada listo”. Martínez Zara afirma que al realizar un abordaje, se verifica que el chico no salga para poder subsistir.
“Si es así, está el sistema de ayudas sociales. Muchas familias tienen trabajos temporarios o changas”, explica.
Qué hacer
“Llamar al 911 y no desesperarse”, responde la titular de Niñez y agrega que hay personas que se enojan porque los especialistas de la Subsecretaría no llegan rápido. “No somos una ambulancia”, explica.
Para luchar contra el problema, Martínez Zara pide compromiso.
“Está bueno que aporten datos acerca del lugar en el que lo vieron y hacia dónde se pudo haber ido”, sostiene y agrega: “El operador de calle va, obviamente sin identificación para no estigmatizar al chico, y establece un vínculo de confianza para luego llegar a la familia”.
Trabajo desde el Estado
En red para prevenirlo y erradicarlo
Mientras la comuna trabaja junto a otras instituciones para sacar a los chicos de la calle, y en algunos casos lo logra, otros nuevos ingresan al sistema.
En la frialdad de los números, el promedio de 50 niños se mantuvo --salvo alguna variación pequeña-- a lo largo de los últimos 5 años.
Martínez Zara asegura que desde la conformación de una mesa local de trabajo infantil, se pudo dar una mirada y rápida acción integral a la problemática.
Además de las tareas que realiza desde hace más de 28 años la institución Sueños de Barrilete en la ciudad, en 2012 se formó una mesa que se dividió en 4 comisiones con temáticas clave: educación, protocolo, capacitación, y responsabilidades sociales y empresariales.

“El jardín o la escuela son lugares importantes para detectar la vulneración a través de nuestros supervisores pedagógicos. Se arma además un protocolo y capacitaciones para que sepan cómo actuar para prevenir en las diferentes ONG y sociedades de fomento”, explica la subsecretaria municipal.
“Cuando profundizás la articulación con otros actores la respuesta tiene una potencia increíble y la mirada es más rica”, valora.
La comuna aglomera también a 750 niños en jardines municipales.
“Se les da herramientas únicas e irrepetibles a los chicos que no se les pueden dar nunca más en la vida”, afirma.
Trabajo doméstico, el enemigo más desconocido
En casa. Es difícil de detectar debido a que se desarrolla en ambientes privados. Un ejemplo repetitivo es el del chico que regularmente queda a cargo de sus hermanos pequeños y les prepara hasta la comida, explica la titular de Niñez.
Relevados. En Bahía Blanca, según datos oficiales, realizan trabajo infantil 16 chicos de entre 1 y 10 años (en su mayoría mendicidad y venta ambulante); 26 de entre 11 a 15 años; y 6 de 16 a 18 (generalmente limpiavidrios).
Modalidades. El informe observó que el 46% se dedica a la mendicidad, el 29% es limpiavidrios y el 25%, vendedores ambulantes. “Notamos una baja de limpiavidrios pero una suba en mendicidad”, dice la funcionaria.
Gran impacto
Derechos vulnerados
Daños graves. Los chicos que trabajan no pueden ejercer plenamente sus derechos porque tienen dificultades para ir o permanecer en la escuela, sufren daños en su salud, y tienen limitadas sus posibilidades de jugar y descansar en los lugares apropiados.
Autoestima. Además, se exponen a espacios y situaciones de constante riesgo, pierden su autoestima y afrontan conflictos de adaptación social y traumas.
246 millones de chicos trabajan en todo el mundo, de los cuales 20 millones viven en Latinoamérica, un millón en la Argentina y poco más de 400 mil en la provincia de Buenos Aires, según datos de entidades humanitarias que abordan el tema.

viernes, 2 de agosto de 2013

¿Se viene un futuro de trabajos a tiempo parcial?

MAULDIN: And Now Obamacare Is Going To Destroy More Full-Time Jobs...

Business Insider 

A Lost Generation

It is pretty well established that a tax increase, especially an income tax increase, will have an immediate negative effect on the economy, with a multiplier of between 1 and 3 depending upon whose research you accept. As far as I am aware, no peer-reviewed study exists that concludes there will be no negative effects. The US economy is soft; employment growth is weak – and yet we are about to see a significant middle-class tax increase, albeit a stealth one, passed by the current administration. I will acknowledge that dealing a blow to the economy was not the actual plan, but that is what is happening in the real world where you and I live. This week we will briefly look at why weak consumer spending is going to become an even greater problem in the coming years, and we will continue to look at some disturbing trends in employment.
Last week, I noted at the beginning of the letter that an unintended consequence of Obamacare is a rather dramatic rise in the number of temporary versus full-time jobs. This trend results from employers having to pay for the health insurance of employees who work more than 29 hours a week.
I quoted Mort Zuckerman, who wrote in the Wall Street Journal:
The jobless nature of the recovery is particularly unsettling. In June, the government's Household Survey reported that since the start of the year, the number of people with jobs increased by 753,000 – but there are jobs and then there are "jobs." No fewer than 557,000 of these positions were only part-time. The June survey reported that in June full-time jobs declined by 240,000, while part-time jobs soared 360,000 and have now reached an all-time high of 28,059,000 – three million more part-time positions than when the recession began at the end of 2007.
That's just for starters. The survey includes part-time workers who want full-time work but can't get it, as well as those who want to work but have stopped looking. That puts the real unemployment rate for June at 14.3%, up from 13.8% in May.
As it turns out, the unintended consequences of Obamacare are not the only problem. Charles Gave wrote a withering indictment of quantitative easing this week (which we will look at in a few pages) and included the following chart, which caught my eye. Note that the relative increase in part-time jobs began prior to Obama's even assuming office. The redefinition of part-time as less than 29 hours a week and the new costs associated with full-time employment due to Obamacare simply accelerated a trend already set into motion.

An Ugly Secular Trend in Part-Time Work

Look closely at this graph. It turns out the trend toward part-time employment started in the recession of the early 2000s, paused only briefly, and then really took off in the recent Great Recession. This is clearly a secular trend that was in place well before 2008.

This development is very troubling, especially because it primarily affects young people and those with fewer skills. As I documented in letters last year, workers 55 and older are actually taking "market share" from younger workers. I went back tonight to see if that trend is still in place. The first graph below (the next few graphs are from the St. Louis Fed's FRED database) is one we are familiar with: the actual employment level over the last ten years. We are still two million jobs down since the onset of the last recession, some six years later. The only reason the unemployment rate has fallen at all is that several million people have simply left the labor force for one reason or another.
The next graph is the number of employed 25-54-year-olds. What you will notice is that the above graph shows about 7 million new jobs since the very bottom of the employment cycle, yet employment in the 25-54 age cohort has barely risen. Who got all the jobs?
That mystery is solved courtesy of the next chart, which shows the number of employed in the 55+ age group. Even acknowledging that there is a growing Boomer population does not account for the rather spectacular increase in employment in the 55+ age group. Can you find the recession in this chart? If the St. Louis Fed hadn't shaded the recession in gray, you certainly couldn't find it in the data. Not only did Boomers see a rise in employment, they took jobs from younger groups. If you dig down deeper, you find that the younger you are, the higher the unemployment level of your age-mates. I will spare you that exercise, as this is already depressing enough, unless you are 55+.
Note that I am not arguing that those of us over 55 should be put out to pasture. Many can't afford to quit working (especially when their kids are living with them!). I am just reporting on the facts. The only way to solve this is to grow our way out of it, yet whatever we are doing is not working.

The Emergence of a US Underclass

Let's turn back to my good friend Charles Gave's analysis, picking up in the middle of his work. He has divined a rather interesting reason for our current employment malaise. I am going to quote at length because this is just so good and deserves a wide audience in the current debate over monetary policy.
This chart [below] shows a steady increase in part time employment since the early 2000s back toward levels that persisted through the 1976-2001 period. The big change is the precipitous decline in full time jobs which started in 2002 and accelerated after 2008. It can be seen that the number of part time jobs has risen by 3mn, while full time jobs have decreased by a similar amount. This compositional shift is unprecedented.
The next step is to measure the difference in job growth for part time and full time workers. This is done by comparing the rolling seven year series for each classification of jobs and noting the differential. As this gap widens in favor of part time employment, we would expect a greater share of the US labor force to be earning lower wages. To test this proposition we compare this seven year differential measure with the median income level for US households.
The results are quite striking. The correlation between our differential measure for the kinds of jobs being created and the real median income was 0.82 between 1974 and 2013; from 1997 to 2013 it moved up to 0.95. This matters because periods when individuals have stable full time jobs are associated with rising median income, while incomes tend to decline in an unstable job market.
Put simply, median income has slumped because a very large share of Americans can no longer find proper jobs.
Behind this economic, political and social disaster, stand many factors such as technological change which has undermined traditional low-skilled employment and the rise of China as a fierce industrial competitor.
What is less well understood is the pernicious impact that US monetary policy has had on the US labor market.
A collapse in the US median income level has historically coincided with the Fed running a policy of negative real interest rates. The reason why unemployment tends to be lower during periods when capital has a real cost attached was explained in some detail in a piece written in early 2011. This dour relationship has been maintained over the last two years and median income has, as I suspected, continued to fall. Make no mistake, if monetary policy is not substantially changed, then median incomes will continue to fall.
When poor people cannot earn a return on their savings or on their labor they remain trapped in poverty. The effect is to subsidize what are effectively overpaid financial jobs and undermine employment prospects within traditional sectors.
As a result, periods of negative real rates tend to be accompanied by the Gini coefficient rocketing higher. Today, this policy is effectively leading to the emergence of a poorly paid and chronically insecure "lumpen proletariat". At least half of the US population may be moving deeper into a poverty trap, which, over the long-run, must negatively impact consumption. Moreover, I never saw a structural bull market in equities take place against a backdrop of falling median income.
So why is Bernanke doing it? It would seem for the same reasons that the Japanese did 20 years ago. He is protecting not so much the banks as the bankers. To cut a long story short and to paraphrase a famous quote: What is good for the US Investment Banks is bad for America.
Bernanke's policies are aimed at guaranteeing the prosperity of this elite, and as such he has been wildly successful. Paul Volcker, arguably the best ever central banker, cared for the interests of ordinary people over those of investment bankers. By contrast, Bernanke has helped create his own "lumpen proletariat" and a parallel class of the "super-rich." This will have many consequences, not all of them pretty.
  • Marx is back! Class struggle will be the main political theme in the years to come. This is what happens when you entrust a common good such as money to an over educated technocrat who believes he is smarter than the markets.
  • In a democracy it is bad politics to follow a monetary policy which favors the rich and condemns the majority to an ever more difficult life (witness damages caused by the euro). This is the "Road to Serfdom" towards socialism or technocracy rather than a sustainable capitalist economy.
  • This system will become increasingly unstable: socially, financially, economically. Such unfairness breeds the conditions for political instability. Under similar circumstances, Theodore Roosevelt and the US Congress went after the "Robber Barons." Franklin Roosevelt acted 20 years later during the depression to separate commercial banks from investment banks. The obvious parallel in the crisis of our times is that President Obama is no Roosevelt.
  • I have no idea how this problem is going to be addressed, but addressed it will be. My hope is that a normal monetary policy will resume in the near future lest we end up dealing with a vengeful demagogue some way down the line.
For this reason, I saw the potential for so called tapering as the first step towards a return to economic sanity (see Volcker's Return). Alas, I seem to have been wrong. Bernanke has the fortitude of a cheese cake, and once again, I misjudged him. The implications for job creation, fair income distribution and indeed the future prosperity of the US may be far reaching. I am worried.

A Lost Generation

We are watching the Fed employ a trickle-down monetary policy. They hope that if they pump up the banks and stock market, increased wealth will lead to more investment and higher consumption, which will in turn translate into more jobs and higher incomes as the stimulus trickles down the economic ladder. The kindred policy of trickle-down economics was thoroughly trashed by the same people who now support a trickle-down monetary policy and quantitative easing. It is not working.
We have a younger generation that is having trouble finding full-time work and developing the skills needed for the transition to more stable, higher-paying employment. The longer the situation persists, the more difficult making up lost ground and lost time becomes for them. As Charles wrote, we may be seeing a new underclass develop, which has disastrous implications for the country. This week President Obama gave a speech on the economy that sounded like a campaign speech except that he should not be running any longer. He blamed the rise of technology for the loss of jobs, the decimation of the power of unions for flat incomes, and the policies of his predecessor for the current malaise. The speech was a wish list of new programs and promises, yet nothing is getting done. He fails to engage with the most pressing problems of our time and doubles down on a healthcare plan that is a train wreck even his most ardent supporters are walking away from. Did you see the r ecent letter from multiple union leaders asking for a course correction on healthcare?
The Congressional Budget Office now estimates that 7 million people will lose their employer-provided health insurance at the end of the year. One would assume that those are almost all full-time workers. So instead of getting health insurance in some form as a benefit, they will likely soon be paying $1400 a year (minimum) in mandated taxes (the level set by the Supreme Court), and those costs will rise dramatically over the next few years, according to the current schedule. That is a HUGE tax increase for those people.
Young people who have no insurance and are making more than $10 an hour will be paying about $1300 a year, or close to 10% of their after-tax income. That blows a monster hole in their disposable income at those levels. There is no other way to look at this: it's a huge lower-middle-class tax increase. Yes, they get a benefit (health insurance) that someone somewhere in society was already paying for, but they personally did not have these costs before.
The unintended consequences of the healthcare bill are going to be vicious. Not only is there a tax increase on the rich and on small employers, there is a tax increase on young people and the middle class. And it's a tax increase that comes in the middle of the slowest recovery on record. It is possible that we grew at less than 1% this last quarter. And the burden piles on top of a secular shift in employment practices that is making life more difficult for the younger generations.
We are getting close to the point where not only are there no good choices left, but the difficult choices are starting to look pretty bad indeed. And no one in DC is talking about the budgetary choices we are going to be forced to make. The recent drop in the deficit is temporary, fueled by people taking income in 2012 and paying taxes at a lower rate. That "tax dividend" is just about done. Deficits are going to be the number one topic in 2016, with jobs a close number two. Hide and watch.

Maine, Montana, and San Antonio

I have been in Newport, Rhode Island, at the Naval War College, where I attended a small Summer Study Group for the Office of Net Assessment for the Department of Defense. My mind is on overload trying to absorb all I heard and learned and to fit all that into my limited understanding of how the world works. It is a very complex world that the US military finds itself in. Shrinking budgets and an expanded menu of options and demands mean difficult choices. Factor in rapidly changing geopolitical and technology environments, and the challenges become even more complex. When I think of the limits our budget process is going to force on our set of choices, the situation does not make me comfortable.
The one thing that did make me feel good was the caliber of the people I met. They were most impressive. Admittedly, those in the room were among the best and brightest in the military; nevertheless, it was comforting to see the quality of thought and training going into the decision-making process. These are scholars with wide-ranging educational backgrounds as well as warriors proud of their service. I have to tell you, I do not get that same level of comfort when I am in a roomful of political leaders. There are some good ones but not enough of them.
I am in New York for a few meetings before I head on to Maine. My partners in Mauldin Economics, David Galland and Olivier Garret, will be here Wednesday; and as a special treat I get to have dinner with Jack Rivkin on Tuesday. I may even try to attend a meeting of the Friends of Fermentation if they allow teetotalers to show up. My youngest son, Trey, will fly up to meet me here, and we'll head north on Thursday morning. It will be good to be with friends and talk about the issues of the day at Leen's Lodge, amidst the beauty of Grand Lake Stream . Then I'll be home for a week before heading out to join Darrell Cain at his summer home in Montana. My fall schedule looks to be light on travel for some odd reason, and that's ok with me. I need some catch-up time.
And speaking of Mauldin Economics, I continue to be impressed by Grant Williams' ability to see through the smoke in the market today and pinpoint where it's headed. This skill lets him spot investment opportunities that others tend to overlook. You get his Things That Make You Go Hmmm… for free as a subscriber to my letters, but if you haven't yet subscribed to his excellent monthly advisory, Bull's Eye Investor, I recommend you do so. You can sign up now at a 50% discount by clicking this link:
It is time to hit the send button. Have a good week and enjoy your summer. I intend to.
Your worried about the kids analyst,

Read more:

martes, 30 de julio de 2013

Huelga en los McJobs

Inédita huelga en las cadenas de comida rápida de Nueva York

Empleados de distintas compañías salieron a la calle para protestar y el servicio quedó a cargo de los supervisores. El reclamo ya se extendió a otras ciudades. Qué piden.

CARTELES. Los empleados también reivindican el derecho de crear un sindicato sin el riesgo de ser despedidos. (AFP)
Cientos de empleados de las principales cadenas de comida rápida de Nueva York realizaron hoy una inédita huelga, en reclamo de un aumento de salarios y otras reivindicaciones. La protesta ya se extendió a otras ciudades de Estados Unidos.

En Nueva York, los trabajadores se manifestaron en Times Square y la Quinta Avenida, entre otros sitios clave. De acuerdo a los organizadores, la protesta alcanzó a cerca de 60 locales, cuyos supervisores quedaron a cargo del servicio.

Los empleados, agrupados en el asociación "Fast Food Forward" piden un salario mínimo de 15 dólares por hora, poco más del doble de los actuales 7,25 que se pagan en la mayoría de las cadenas. 

El haber promedio en Nueva York para ese tipo de empleo es de unos nueve dólares por hora. Pero a diferencia de sus colegas de los restoranes, los empleados de comidas rápidas no reciben propinas.

Jonathan Westin, director de Fast Food Forward, dijo que los trabajadores necesitan una paga de 15 dólares por hora para satisfacer sus necesidades básicas en una de las ciudades más caras del mundo.

Los trabajadores también reivindican el derecho de crear un sindicato sin el riesgo de ser despedidos. "Muchos trabajadores están viviendo en la pobreza, no son capaces de poner comida sobre su mesa o tomar el tren para ir a trabajar", indicó Westin. Fast Food Forward comenzó con una campaña local en Nueva York, pero la protesta ya se extendió a otras partes del país, con huelgas previstas esta semana en Chicago, Saint Louis, Detroit, Milwaukee y Kansas City.